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Packing & Valet Services - Melbourne's Professional Packers

Looking for a packing service? The White Glove Mover have discovered the secret to a successful and stress free move. Not only do we have the best removalists, specialising in the relocation of fine furniture, antiques and artwork, we have our "White Glove" packing ladies who compliment this service. Our ladies are mature aged, responsible, reliable and fully experienced in packing and unpacking (pre and post move). Our ladies are caring and sensitive in all types of moving situations, listening to our clients every request.

Our "White Glove" ladies can handle any packing job, regardless of the requirements. Our ladies start at 7.30am and will complete any clients packing requirements within one day. Kitchens, bedrooms, artwork, the finest of crystal and china, statues and porcelain figurines, family heirlooms, attics, cellars, home offices, garages and outdoor areas. It can all be done in one day. We have varying levels of service to suit any budget or situation, as outlined below.

full pack


If you have neither the time nor the inclination to pack your own goods, our ladies can undertake a complete house pack. This valet service can be priced on an hourly rate or alternatively, a firm quoted price can be given by our consultants. Attention to details is the key and no item is too difficult to pack. With only quality materials at hand, our ladies now have an impeccable reputation as the best in the industry. Our ladies can efficiently pack your entire home contents in one day. Take the stress out of moving house and leave it to the professionals.


partial pack


You may prefer a partial or breakables only pack. A firm price can be quoted for your breakable items to be packed or if you only have a few precious items to pack, we can arrange a lady to undertake this packing service on a per carton rate ie. $25 per non breakable carton and $50 per fine breakable carton. Our ladies can also be charged out on a half day rate, which can be negotiated with our consultants. The price would be based on time and the materials required to achieve your pack. The White Glove Mover guarantee the packing work conducted by our ladies. Our common sense approach and specialised techniques, will ensure that your expensive glassware, artwork or fragile antique china/crystal will survive the move.


self pack


You are provided with the necessary cartons and materials to undertake your own packing prior to removal day. Cartons are provided on a loan basis, however, packing materials are chargeable items. Our consultants will advise you what you require to undertake your own packing and these materials are delivered promptly to you upon request. Carton, butchers and tissue paper, various types of bubblewrap, tape and labels - whatever you need to ensure everything is ready for the big move. The White Glove Mover can provide full packing guidelines to assist you or call our office for prompt advice/suggestions.

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